This kind of sickness has also a defect on the heart. This defect occur only after a certain sickness. Often the patient has a history of sore throat. After a few months, the person will be ill again with sore throat but this time, the patient experiences tremors, fever, painful and swelling in one joint that migrates to other one. The heart increase it size and possibly leading to a heart defect. Strep throat is caused by Group A Streptococcusbacteria and it is the most common bacterial infection.

Rheumatic fever may affect the body's connective tissues like joints, skin, brain and especially the heart. Usually children from 5 years old to 15 years old are affected with rheumatic fever. If not treated immediately, rheumatic heart disease may result and it is for a lifetime disease.

1. Difficulty in breathing
2. Easily fatigue
3. chest pain
4. heart palpitation
5. fever
6. skin rashes
7. small painless nodules under the skin

Build up a healthy body. Sore throat must be treated with proper anti-biotic medication. Tonsillitis recurring thrice a year or more must be surgical operated to prevent having the disease. Patient should immediate seek for a physician treatment before it get worst.

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