High Blood: A Major Health Risk
11:00 PM | Author: comets
High blood pressure is a common condition among the elderly but it may also affect among young people. Blood pressure is measured through a stethoscope and a sphygmonanometer. When having the daily activities, normally blood pressure rise so it is important that a 10minutes rest should be done before taking a blood pressure. If blood pressure level is above 140/90 in three succeeding measurement in a week it is said that a patient is having a high blood pressure.

Common Symptoms:
1. Headache and pain on the nape
2. Nausea
3. Sudden weakness
4. Blurring of vision

Prevention and Treatment
Eating, exercise, lifestyle and stress are some of the predisposing factor that trigger high blood.

Eating healthy foods like, vegetables and fruits, low in sodium, oil and fats lessens the deposit of plaques and hardening of the arteries.
Exercise burns up the excess fats in the artery.
Having a calm behavior may lessen the risk of high blood pressure.

For early prevention and detection, a person should consult a physician so that complication will be avoided. Complications of this condition are life threatening like stroke, heart attack and some people experienced paralyze in some parts of the their body. Regular and follow up check up should be followed.

It is said that prevention is better than cure. Complication of this condition is not reversible, so one's health must be taken care always.
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On July 8, 2009 at 6:38 AM , braindrain said...

todo career!